Joe Songs Music

Modern Folk Music by Joe McClure

A Wagging Tail

A Wagging Tail

It’s happening, very soon, an event that we were told 3 or 4 weeks ago would come. We hoped it wouldn’t, that some miracle would happen, but it hasn’t…It’s just a day or two away…

This sucks, it hurts, it’s hard to watch, to see unfold, to lose our buddy, our companion for the past 12 years, our sweet dog, Boo.

We found out a few weeks ago that it wasn’t a sinus infection, it’s an aggressive cancer that’s growing in his sinuses, through his skull, his brain, and his nasal passages. “We’re sorry” they said, it’s gone too far into his brain to remove.

It didn’t seem to bother him much, other than those sneezing fits and that awful yucky stuff draining out of his nose. We didn’t really know what to expect, the doctors weren’t much help, they described several horrifying scenarios, told us to watch him and sent us home.

We figured if he could wag his tail, he was happy, and we’d keep him happy. About 3 days ago, he quit wagging his tail… We know it’s time to say goodbye to Boo, his soft ears, big Boo smile, and wagging tail.

I’ll miss Boo as my hiking companion, he loved to explore the woods with me.

Boo loves to sleep on my feet, or under my chair, next to the bed, in the middle of the doorway, by the fire, … Okay, … Boo loves to sleep!

He loves the kids, the grandkids, and granddogs as much as they love him.

He loves to sit on the porch and keep an eye on things.

He welcomes everyone with a hearty bark and a wagging tail.

He knows when I need some doggy love. Last year about this time, when I came home from open heart surgery, Boo was there, looking after me, wagging his tail and lifting my spirits. He just stopped by to see me now, he knows I’m sad.

Did I mention his wagging tail? When Boo wags his tail, he does it with his whole body. From head to tail, his body undulates as if he is doing some kind of Big Boo Waggy Dance! He has a big tail too. More than one toddling child has been wacked to the floor with that happy dance!

I miss that happy dance already. I’m going to miss our sweet dog Boo.