Joe Songs Music

Modern Folk Music by Joe McClure

The Adventures of Dooley and Me – Part 8 To Hell you Ride! At Last

Travel, while it is an adventure, by the obvious nature of it, requires change, the coming and going of the beautiful people you meet, the people you miss by leaving, and the people who leave us.

They say the only constant in this world is change.

Most of us (come on admit it) don't like change. Change in our world, change in our daily routine, change in our perspectives, change in our friends, change in our circumstances. Changes, changes, changes. If we don't change, if we don't grow, we die. Period. It's a law of nature. If we aren't growing, we are dying.

The change weighing on my heart the past few days is losing Loved ones. No, it’s not just people dying, it’s people leaving, moving away, moving on with their lives. Good people who continue to grow and Live their lives, even when it means facing change, People who enrich my life, whether they are next door or 3,000 miles away. 

For the past 13 years, I’ve been spending several months a year in and around Telluride, Colorado. I have been blessed to make real true friends here and meet some fascinating people. I’ve been told the average time for people who live in/or own property in Telluride is 3-5 years. I’m finding that to be pretty accurate. Of course there are those who come here and never leave, but they seem to be the exception.

Last night Dooley got to witness his first poker game, yep, a bunch of guys, sitting around being guys. Dooley is my good luck charm BTW. I cleaned up! (So did Dooley, when he snuck that piece of pizza off the counter.)

But it was also a see – ya - later party for another person moving on in the world. I’ll miss you Jonah. Thanks for being patient in teaching me how to play Texas Hold’em … Even though I took all your money!

I have good friends in this town, and all over this country. … I hope that never changes …
